


Bias was an ancient Greek philosopher and one of the Seven Sages, known for his wisdom and moral integrity.

20 Notes

620 BC - 560 BC

Modern-dayGüllübahçe, Turkey

"This is why the saying of Bias is thought to be true, that ‘rule will show the man’"


Open mind map

(384 BC -322 BC)

"Bias of Priene said that life is governed by destiny and not by human action"

Book & Page: "Nicomachean Ethics", Book VI, Chapter 5, p. 1139b


"Bias, who was one of the seven sages, said that most men are bad"

Book & Page: Aristotle, "Politics", Book II, Chapter 8, p. 1260b.


"The most perfect political community is one in which the middle class is in control, and outnumbers both of the other classes. In such a community, the middle class is the largest and most powerful, and it has the most virtues. This is what Bias of Priene taught."

Book & Page: Aristotle, "Politics", Book II, Chapter 8, p. 1260b.


"This is why the saying of Bias is thought to be true, that ‘rule will show the man’; for a rule is necessarily in relation to other men, and a member of a society"

Book & Page: Aristotle - The Nicomachean Ethics (Oxford), p82


Plutarch(46 -119)

"Bias of Priene, one of the wise men, used to say that the most unfortunate of all men is he who has not learned how to bear misfortune"

Book & Page: Plutarch, "Morals", Vol. III, p. 133.


"Bias of Priene said that it is hard to be good"

Book & Page: Plutarch, "Morals", Vol. III, p. 136


"Bias of Priene said that it is better to talk to a wise man than to offer sacrifices to the gods"

Book & Page: Plutarch, "Morals", Vol. III, p. 143


"Bias said that it is more disgraceful to speak ill of one's neighbors than to be a coward in battle"

Book & Page: Plutarch, "Morals", Vol. III, p. 143


"Bias used to say that a man who is good and wise is always at leisure"

Book & Page: Plutarch, "Morals", Vol. III, p. 146.


"Bias used to say that the most dangerous kind of poverty is the poverty of the soul"

Book & Page: Plutarch, "Morals", Vol. III, p. 145


"Bias used to say that we should not only strive to be good ourselves, but we should also make others good."

Book & Page: Plutarch, Moralia, "How to Study Poetry," Section 2, p. 16


"Bias used to say that a wise man should know how to live with enemies as well as with friends."

Book & Page: Plutarch, Moralia, "On Being Aware of Moral Progress," Section 11, p. 79


"Bias used to say that the most important thing is to have self-control and to be moderate in all things."

Book & Page: Plutarch, Moralia, "On the Virtues and Vices of Old Age," Section 22, p. 250


"Bias used to say that the most important thing is to avoid doing wrong, even if it means suffering harm ourselves."

Book & Page: Plutarch, Moralia, "On the Virtue of Morality," Section 9, p. 76


Cicero(106 BC - 43 BC)

"Bias of Priene used to say that the most beautiful thing in the world is justice"

Book & Page: Cicero, "De Officiis", Book III, Chapter 17, Section 69


"Bias of Priene said that men ought to bear prosperity with moderation and adversity with courage"

Book & Page: Cicero, "De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum", Book IV, Chapter 22, Section 59.


St Augustine(354 -430)

"Bias said that the most precious thing in life is to be a benefactor"

Book & Page: St. Augustine, "City of God", Book XIX, Chapter 21.


Thomas Aquinas(1225 -1274)

"Bias of Priene said that it is difficult to be free from wickedness, but it is even more difficult to be free from ignorance"

Book & Page: Thomas Aquinas, "Summa Theologica", Part II-II, Question 53, Article 1.


Michel de Montaigne(384 BC -322 BC)

"The next step, therefore, is to be orderly at home, in our common actions, for which we are accountable to no man, and in which there is no study or artifice. That is why Bias, describing an ideal household, § says that it is one where the master is the same alone in his house as abroad, where he is afraid of the law and of what men will say."

Book & Page: The Essays: A selection (Penguin), p.241


"Bias of Priene said that a life without investigation is not worth living"

Book & Page: Michel de Montaigne, "Essays", Book II, Chapter 12, "Apology for Raymond Sebond".


(384 BC -322 BC)

"This is why the saying of Bias is thought to be true, that ‘rule will show the man’; for a rule is necessarily in relation to other men, and a member of a society"

Book & Page: Aristotle - The Nicomachean Ethics (Oxford), p89


Michel de Montaigne(384 BC -322 BC)

"The next step, therefore, is to be orderly at home, in our common actions, for which we are accountable to no man, and in which there is no study or artifice. That is why Bias, describing an ideal household, § says that it is one where the master is the same alone in his house as abroad, where he is afraid of the law and of what men will say."

Book & Page: The Essays: A selection (Penguin), p.241


(384 BC -322 BC)

"This is why the saying of Bias is thought to be true, that ‘rule will show the man’; for a rule is necessarily in relation to other men, and a member of a society"

Book & Page: Aristotle - The Nicomachean Ethics (Oxford), p89

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